Earth, fire, air, water…The Locanda degli Dei is situated in Praiano which boasts an extraordinary landscape of ancient and arcane features alongside well- placed innovation, typical of that well-seasoned wisdom which has always fostered beauty and the art of living.

Refreshed by the sea and kissed by the sun, Praiano is a paradise where you can walk along the cliffs, which overhang the cove cut far back into the rock by epochs of crashing waves. In this minute hamlet you can enjoy the sound of the sea lapping the shore, admire the colourful little fishing boats and indulge in the scents and flavours of the local cuisine in one of the many little restaurants on the rocks above the sea.

Only a holiday in such surroundings can fully render the idea of elegance fused with tradition.

Excursions in Praiano:
On the Gods Path

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