How to reach us

The closest airport to Praiano is scalo international di Napoli Capodichino

The train stations closest to Praiano are Salerno (35KM) and Napoli (70KM)

Follow the indications for Salerno, when you arrive at Vetri sul Mare, take the ss163/Amalfitana to Praiano (30KM). When you have arrived in Praiano turn right on Via Guglielmo Marconi. After 550m turn left and follow Via Umberto I, after 100m you will find yourself on Via Costantinopoli, keeping to the right you will arrive on Via Pistiello II and at the Locanda.

The bus service on the Amalfi coast is the Autolinee SITA company with buses from Napoli and Salerno. Taking the bus fromNapoli, you need to take the bus to Sorrento, from Salerno you need to take the bus to Amalfi. To find times and prices

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