The Locanda degli Dei is an ideal place for trekking and mountain walks along one of the most spectacular paths of the Campania Region, the "sentiero degli Dei" or the "path of the Gods", which connects the coast at Positano with the Lattari mountain range and Agerola. This walk affords one of the most breathtaking views of the western facing section of the Amalfi Coast from Praiano to Capri.

The Locanda is well positioned between Positano and Amalfi for easy access to these towns and other beautiful villages along the Coast. From the beach of Praia, just a short walk from the Locanda, boats leave for Capri. There are regular buses for Amalfi, (7kms). Positano( 7kms), Ravello, Sorrento and the other towns of the Sorrento- Amalfi coastline. A taxi service is also available, to and from the international airports and train stations in Naples and Rome.

Useful links:
Sita Bus

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Locanda degli Dei | Via Pistiello II - Praiano | Tel. +39 089 813 1309 - Fax +39 089 813 1252 | Mail
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