Prepare yourself for an enrapturing experience. Allow yourself the luxury of time and space exclusively for your own pleasure. Imagine yourself in a fascinating atmosphere of the highest quality surroundings.

The Locanda degli Dei (literally the "Inn the Gods"), can offer you the journey of your dreams, as it proffers a high level of comfort and facilities together warm, local hospitality: traditional breakfasts, the welcoming approach of the old world which allows you to manage your own time according to your personal wishes.

Set out in search of a quality holiday and let yourself be guided by our care and expertise from the beginning of your journey.
Put your trust in our professionals who work with enthusiasm for your maximum pleasure.
Your holiday is our business… and our pleasure, too!.

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Locanda degli Dei | Via Pistiello II - Praiano | Tel. +39 089 813 1309 - Fax +39 089 813 1252 | Mail
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